A little girl stands with a hula hoop, wearing a Garment Dye Playground Dress A little girl stands with a hula hoop, wearing a Garment Dye Playground Dress
Blog Home Toddler Years DIY Summer Activities for Babies and Toddlers
Toddler Years

DIY Summer Activities for Babies and Toddlers

By Pehr
May 31, 2024  •  Last Modified May 31, 2024

Summertime with babies and toddlers is the perfect time to make memories as a family. With these do-it-yourself tips, keep your little ones engaged and excited with new activities you can do together. Embrace warm summer days with your little using a few of our easy ideas for DIY toddler activities. Read on to discover our top 5 DIY summer activities that are straightforward, simple, and sure to keep your littles entertained all season long. 

5 DIY Summer Activities

As summer solstice approaches and the days grow longer (and warmer), most families are inclined to spend the bulk of the day outdoors. The first step is choosing the most adorable lightweight organic cotton clothing that will keep your little one comfy and cool. Whether you have a baby or toddler, find inspiration in our top 5 DIY summer activities for your little ones. 

    1. Sensory bins. DIY toddler activities can be as simple as setting up your own water station. Fill a bucket, get measuring cups and scoops, pull out watering cans in different sizes, and transition a few bath toys to the backyard. Babies and toddlers love the sensation of splashing, pouring, and playing in water. Make a sand station and your own mini beach, and set up under a shady tree or sun umbrella. Freeze lego in ice cube trays so your littles can feel them melting in their tiny hands. Choose lightweight organic cotton clothing and bucket hats to protect them from sun exposure and keep their body temperature cool. Keep sunscreen, bug repellant and diaper cream in a mini pouch that's close at hand and pack up things like juice boxes, granola bars, and a change of clothes in a bigger pouch.
    2. Build a playhouse. Take your best cardboard box playhouse from the living room to the backyard and make it even bigger and taller for toddlers that are growing fast. Collect several boxes over time or pick up some extras at the grocery store. Building a playhouse is such an engaging DIY toddler activity–you can decide where the windows go, pull out some stickers, draw and paint decorations on the outside, and even create construction paper flowers together to pin-up in a pretend garden on the side of the house. If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors (and you should!) properly dressing littles in the summer is essential–for comfort and sun safety. 
    3. Homemade bubbles, chalk, and science experiments. DIY toddler activities that involve your little in the process are most popular. Your little helper wants to assist you in putting away groceries, cooking and baking, and mixing together ingredients that result in fun outdoor crafts. Try making sidewalk chalk paint (they’ll love the process and using big paintbrushes to decorate your driveway): mix 1 cup corn starch with 1 cup baking soda, add ⅔ cup water and then a single drop of food coloring. Choose protective footwear that works in every climate like the Fisherman Sandals–their non-slip sole and easy-on style is ideal for puddle jumping, dipping in the lake, and running around the playground. Lay out a large cotton muslin swaddle for babies to practice tummy time, use it as a sunshield over their stroller on warm walks, or use it to dry off after some sun-soaked fun.
    4. Collect mother nature’s treasures. Chances are you’ve done this one already without prompting. Most toddlers are curious about anything and everything they find: rocks with interesting patterns, a new flower in bloom, a robin’s egg shell, and anything else they are drawn to in their own backyards. The next step is prepping for baby’s first beach day! However long you are spending outdoors, keep your little one comfortable (and happy as a clam) by choosing lightweight organic cotton clothing well-suited to the weather. Pack up all your supplies and keep them organized in On The Go pouches, and if you’re heading out of the house to the park or a play date, pack up your diaper bag with all the just-in-case necessities (did somebody say more snacks?). 
    5. Make music and dance. Whether or not you have two left feet, one of the best DIY summer activities is moving your body alongside your baby or toddler. Littles have a natural rhythm and creating space for them to express themselves through singing, music, and dancing to the beat of their own drum is excellent for their development. You can show your baby or toddler simple yoga postures too, and model how to calm their big feelings with deep breathing and gentle stretching. Explore versatile storage solutions for entertainment accessories: dress-up costumes, dance and ballet slippers, leotards and funky skirts, headbands and yoga accessories, and musical instruments like xylophones, tambourines, and ukuleles.


We hope these super simple (and super fun!) DIY summer activities have you feeling inspired to make the most of such a fabulous season. A little goes a long way–so try new things every day and switch up what play areas and options you offer. Let your baby or toddler take the lead, and try to step back while they explore, experiment and play uninterrupted. We can’t wait for you to create sunny memories while watching your little one bloom along with your summer garden!

Frequently Asked Questions

Toddlers enjoy playing with sensory toys like sand, water, bubbles or foam with plastic toys, spoons, and funnels. Simple puzzles with shapes, colors, and cute animals are an engaging, quiet activity. Encourage toddler curiosity and let them explore at their own will–since their brains are developing rapidly, they are thirsty for new challenges and experiences.

Cover your baby or toddler’s body with cool damn cloths (if you don’t have a fan or AC available). Check to ensure they don’t get too cold. Head to the beach or community pool or pick up a backyard sprinkler or baby pool so they can keep splashing and return to cool-down areas in the comfort of your own backyard.

For babies 6 months and older, lightweight shorts and a shirt in breathable fabrics like cotton are ideal for keeping cool. Look for tight weave clothing to provide maximum UV protection. Choose light colors to avoid attracting bugs and the sun’s heat, and put a brimmed hat on your baby or toddler to protect their face and neck.

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