Pehr bibs arranged on top of a chest of drawers. Pehr bibs arranged on top of a chest of drawers.
Blog Home The Nursery Introducing Solids to Baby: What You Need to Know for a Seamless Transition
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Introducing Solids to Baby: What You Need to Know for a Seamless Transition

By Pehr
Jun 06, 2024  •  Last Modified Jun 07, 2024

The first few months with your little one are full of exciting milestones. Introducing solids to baby is just one of many significant steps they will need your help with. In order to make the transition as seamless as possible, it’s important to time it correctly, introduce the right foods, and keep a few key tips and tricks in mind. Discover wipeable smocks and bibs, for your little to wear while trying new foods or even during sensory play. This article will walk you through everything you need to know as you introduce your child to the wonderful world of food! 


Table of Contents

  1. When should I start introducing solid foods? 
  2. Introducing solids to baby 
  3. Food preparation tips for baby 
  4. Foods to avoid when introducing solids to baby 

When should I start introducing solid foods? 

Many new parents wonder ‘when do babies start eating baby food?’ The truth is, when it comes introducing solids to baby, the answer to this question may differ slightly from one child to another. So, instead of focusing on the appropriate age, it’s best to keep an eye out for signs that your little one is ready. Here are the key developmental milestones your child will likely reach at around 4 to 6 months of age that signal it’s time to start solids.

  • They can sit up alone or with a little bit of support.
  • They’re able to support their own head while sitting up in a high chair.
  • They are mouthing their hands and/or their toys. 
  • They can grasp small objects like toys or pieces of food. 
  • They transfer food from the front to the back of their tongue and are able to swallow what you give them. If this is still a challenge for your little one, you’lll likely notice them pushing food out of their mouth and onto their chin or bib. 
  • They lean forward and open their mouth when food is offered to them.
  • They’re about double their birth weight. 

With these developmental milestones established, you and your little one will have a much easier time tackling the transition to solid foods. 


A young girl wears the Magical Forest smock and faces the camera

Introducing solids to baby 

Once you’ve established that you're ready to start introducing your baby to solid foods, it’s time to turn your attention to how to successfully introduce them. When introducing solid foods, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

  • Remember that this is a gradual process, so as you’re introducing solids, ensure that you are also feeding your baby breastmilk or formula. You can continue to offer up to 32 oz a day to your little one as you begin to incorporate solid foods at one of their daily meals. 
  • Be sure to introduce one food at a time. By doing this, you’ll be able to link any adverse reactions like diarrhea, vomiting, constipation or rashes to a specific food. This is a helpful way to identify any potential allergens and it will give you a better sense of which items your child tolerates best. 
  • It’s ok to introduce potential allergens like peanuts, eggs, cow’s milk, seafood, nuts, wheat, and soy with other foods. There’s no evidence that waiting to introduce these foods can help prevent your child from developing allergies. 
  • Start with simple or single ingredient food items like baby cereal or pureed fruits and veggies. 
  • Be mindful of important nutrients like iron and zinc. You can find these in pureed meats as well as fortified cereals. 
  • Be patient. It may take a while for your little one to take to solid foods. It’s important to remind yourself that it’s actually quite common for babies to reject solid foods when they are first introduced. If your first feeding isn’t successful, give it a few days or a week and then try again. If you’re continuing to struggle with the transition, talk to your pediatrician. 
  • Don’t force it. If your little one is turning away or pushing back they may be trying to tell you that they’re full. There’s no need to force extra bites if your child is on track with their weight and growth. 


A young baby wears the Striped Bib while eating from a spoon.


Food preparation tips for baby 

When your little one is first learning how to eat solid foods, it’s important to prep food correctly to help prevent choking and offer items in a format they can manage. Here are a few helpful food preparation tips to help make feedings as smooth as possible:

  • If you’re offering cereals or other kinds of cooked grains to your baby, hydrate the food with breast milk, water, or formula. Once it’s soft you can mash it up or puree the food so it’s easier for your little one to eat. 
  • Vegetables and fruits should also be mashed or pureed. You likely won’t need to add any liquid to do this successfully. 
  • If you’re offering meat, fish or poultry, be sure to remove all skin and bones before cooking. 
  • If you are offering fruits that have pits or seeds, remove them and then either cut up or puree the fruit before serving it to your child. 
  • Cylindrical foods like sausages, hot dogs, or cheese string should be cut into thin strips rather than round pieces. This is because thin strips are less likely to get stuck in your child’s throat.
  • If you’re wondering: how much solids should my baby eat? You’re not alone. This is a great topic to discuss with your pediatrician. Be sure to measure out the amount of food you’re giving your little one at each meal so you can offer helpful information when you speak with your pediatrician. 
  • Cook and grind or mash whole grains like wheat, barley, and rice before offering them to your child. 


A young girl wear the Celestial Smock

Foods to avoid when introducing solids to baby 

Wondering what veggies to avoid when introducing solids? Here are a few key food items you should avoid when you’re in the early stages of introducing solids to your baby: 

  • Food items with added sugars or zero-calorie sweeteners
  • Foods that may cause choking like nuts, grapes, raw carrots, and popcorn 
  • Unpasteurized food items like juice, milk, or cheese 
  • Food items that are high in sodium 
  • Avoid honey, regular cow's milk, or soy drinks until your child reaches their first birthday 

We hope you now feel well-equipped to take this exciting step with your baby. As you and your child work through this transitional period together, don’t forget to have fun. Seeing your child enjoy the first bites of a new favorite food is a memory you’ll cherish for years to come. Be present, take photos, and reflect on this special time. These special firsts only happen once!

Frequently Asked Questions

The answer to this question depends on a few different factors. The first thing to consider is when you began introducing solids to baby. If you’re just starting to introduce solids at 6 months old, it’s best to start with one meal per day. However, if you introduced solids to baby sooner, say at around 4 or 5 months, your little one may be ready to start having solids two meals per day. The second important factor to consider is how well your baby is taking the introduction to solids. If your child is doing well and enjoying their meals, you can explore an increase in the number of solid food meals. If your child isn’t taking as well to the introduction, consider sticking to one meal a day with solid food until they have time to adjust to the transition and discover some foods they enjoy.

Bananas are a great food option when you’re first introducing baby to solids. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, they can easily be mashed to mitigate choking hazards for your little one. They are also sweet so many babies will enjoy the taste of bananas. There is also research that suggests banana’s mucosal properties help to coat the stomach and can promote healthy digestion.

Giving your baby water before 6 months of age is generally not recommended. The reason for this is that breast milk and formula will provide your little one with all the nutrients and the hydration they need, so it’s not necessary to supplement with water even on warm days. Instead, you can offer more breastmilk or formula feedings. If water is introduced to your little one before 6 months of age, they may begin to drink less breast milk and formula and miss out on the nutrients their bodies need to grow and develop.

Once your baby reaches 6 months of age, you can begin to introduce small amounts of water. Be sure to boil and cool tap water before offering it to your child. Importantly, your baby’s main drink should continue to be breast milk or formula even after you introduce water. Once your child reaches the one year mark, their main drink can be water, cow’s milk, or breast milk. At 12 months, you no longer need to boil water before offering it to your child. You can begin to teach them how to use a sippy cup for liquids.

Every child will reach key developmental milestones at slightly different times. This is perfectly normal. However, in most cases, you can expect your baby to begin to hold their head up at around 2 months of age. At this point, they may also start learning how to push themselves up with their arms during tummy time. At around 4 months of age, your baby should begin to support their head on their own. At around 6 months of age, your baby will likely be able to sit up with a little help and support. At around 9 months of age, your little one will begin to sit up on their own without needing any extra support or assistance.

It is very normal for your little one to stop nursing as much as they used to once you begin to introduce them to solid foods. It just means that they are beginning to transition to a big kid diet, so this is an exciting milestone for both of you. If you’re concerned that your child is not getting enough nutrition, keep an eye on their weight gain. Track any changes and speak to your pediatrician to get a sense of whether or not your baby is developing and growing as expected. It’s also important to ensure that you’re introducing your child to nutritious solid foods so that they’re filling up on items that provide them with the nutrients they need to stay healthy and strong.

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